Culture, Politics & Religion: Behind the Veil

What is the purpose of wearing the hijab for Muslim women? How relevant is it to the culture? 

Where does Islam stand on this issue? What can we do about attacks on hijab? Do I lose my Muslim status if I don't wear a hijab? When I wear a hijab, I feel like I misrepresent Islam. Is it time to take it off? It's okay that we don't get hijab. In today's world, people find it hard to wrap their heads around it.

The current religious, political, social, and cultural environment brings a lot of good to the discussion of the hijab. Still, it also presents many challenges that can be confusing and difficult to understand. Hijab wearers also bear a significant burden of representation. Hijab wearers are now heavily politicized because of 

Islamophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, the commodification of hijab, and policing of women's bodies. It's like being caught between a rock and a hard place. Our goal is not only to provide a safe space for women to voice their concerns and questions concerning the hijab but also to provide answers and perspectives on a holistic level relevant to our society today.