Minor and Major Sins In Islam- How To Ask For Forgiveness

In order to ask for forgiveness, you need to know what you are repenting of. There is disagreement among scholars as to what constitutes a major sin and a minor sin. 

In order to ask for forgiveness, you need to know what you are repenting of. There is disagreement among scholars as to what constitutes a major sin and a minor sin. Sins for which Allah has prescribed a specific punishment are generally considered major sins. In addition to shirk, murder, adultery, and disrespecting parents are examples of major sins. On the other hand, minor sins include praying incorrectly, acting immodestly, and cursing.

On the other hand, minor sins include praying incorrectly, acting immodestly, and cursing. 

Even though they are called minor sins, we shouldn't ignore them! "Beware of minor sins, like people who descend into a valley, so one comes with a stick and another with a stick until they can cook their bread with fire." "Minor sins will destroy a person" [Musnad Ahmad #22302]. The hadith illustrates how small sins accumulate until they become a raging fire as they pile up.

What Is the Best Way To Repent For A Minor Sin

According to Allah, good deeds wipe away minor sins, "and establish prayer at the end of the day and at the beginning of the night." Good deeds eliminate misdeeds. The Qur'an says: "That is a reminder for those who remember." [11:114]. 

You may wonder, for example, “Will Allah forgive me if I watch bad things? The door to repentance is always open. Seek Allah's forgiveness immediately and follow up the bad deed with a good one. 

Is It Possible For Minor Sins to Become Major Ones?

Almost always, major sins are preceded by minor sins, according to Imam Al-Ghazali. It's discouraged for us to discuss our minor sins because keeping them secret gives us the chance to repent. The act also protects others from the harm that comes with normalizing and publicizing one's sin.

What Is The Best Way To Ask Allah For Forgiveness For Major Sins?

Repentance involves four key steps. In order to remember them, we can use the four 'R's: remorse, repentance, resolution, and repair.

  1. Feeling guilty is a sign of faith. Repent immediately and feel remorse to Allah for your misdeed.
  2. Repent sincerely by verbalizing 'astaghfirullah,' which means, "I seek forgiveness from Allah."
  3. Don't commit sin again.
  4. Repair: If you wronged someone, seek their forgiveness and recompense them.