What Is Jihad

Many people conflict between the term jihad and terrorism. While describing the “Violent Muslim Radicals” many writers use the term jihadist. To justify heinous acts, several radicals invoked jihads. 

To justify heinous acts, several radicals invoked jihads. The 9/11 attack and ISIS operations. On Islamic grounds, these acts are strongly condemned by several Muslim clerics and scholars.

Misrepresenting scholarly sites is due to some violent radicals who justify terrorism on the Islamic ground. 

Jihad- According To Islamic Religion

The word jihad is known as “striving” or “struggling.” In Quran, different contexts are appearing to include the “Struggle to make us a better person.” This is known as the “Jihad of the Self” and is known as an important subject in Islamic Devotional Work. Jihad is also termed as an armed struggle fight against outsiders. 

Some scholars categorized jihad into two forms:

Defensive Jihad- Jihad against invaders.

Aggressive Jihad- Offensive attack by political Authorities.

Warfare is justified by many Muslim scholars. Various civilians shouldn’t be targeted as the general rule. This civilian rule recognizes many Violent Muslim radicals.  By utilizing loopholes, this rule is circumvented by radicals.